This website was set up to record, on the internet, information, photographs and documents about the village of Challock using all available resources and with the help of a large number of kind people from both the village and outside.
I freely acknowledge their huge contribution without which this website could not be written.
The website has two main sections “History” and “Lest we forget” To go to either, click on the relevant title in the the Top Menu above.
The War Memorial on Land at the junction of Blind Lane and Church Lane.
See: Lest We Forget
About Deryck M Sutton.
I have lived in Challock since 1974, firstly in a bungalow in Canterbury Road and then in 2006 I moved to Forest Cottages in Buck Street.
I have had an interest in computing for a very long time and have several websites. The main village website is also hosted by another member of our family.
For more information on these websites and those of our family use the link below:
Contact me at: derandor@dandsutton.co.uk
This website has been rewritten using Joomla.
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